Nursing Evolutions on the Road!
Our HR team has been hosting booths at healthcare-oriented job fairs to promote RN careers. Most recently, we traveled to Spokane for Washington State University’s School of Nursing Job Fair, and to the Bellingham Technical College School of Nursing Job Fair. We are currently hiring for Registered Nurse positions and Pediatric Care Technician positions (PCT – nursing students, NARs, or CNAs). But how is it that we can sometimes hire new nursing school grads for such a niche patient specialty?
Training for CNA / Pediatric Care Technicians
Nursing Evolutions patients consistently exceed the expectations of their hospital-based care teams due to the expertise and professionalism of every member of the care team. Pediatric Care Technicians are essential members of the team, and as such, complete rigorous technical training. This includes detailed knowledge of activities that PCTs would only perform in extreme and highly unlikely emergencies; Nursing Evolutions follows emergency preparedness similar to the multiple layers of clinical back-up in a hospital.
Depending on the experience level of the new PCT and their familiarity with tracheostomy care and pediatrics, the training process can take anywhere between four and twelve weeks of full-time shift work. There are many milestones along the way as the new PCT becomes proficient in each patient care activity and passes the associated Nursing Evolutions quiz. At the end of a PCT’s training, we issue their Pediatric Care Technician Certificate with sign-off from the PCT Manager, Nursing Supervisor, Clinical Director, and CEO, and those advancing in RN careers.
Comprehensive RN Mentorship Program
We believe that providing the best care for our patients requires a commitment to continual learning and skill development.
Hands-On Experience with Expert Guidance
New RNs receive hands-on experience under the direct supervision of experienced RNs. The length of the mentorship period varies based on the complexity of the patient’s case and the experience level of the RN. Mentorship continues until the nurse is confident and prepared to provide care independently.
Even experienced RNs participate in the mentorship program when encountering new patient cases, enhancing their RN careers.
Residency Program
Once the mentorship period is complete, nurses can then enroll in our two-year Residency Program which includes a $5,000 retention bonus. The program combines on-the-job training with formal off-site courses to expose RNs to a wide range of situations and decisions that must be made in the field.
At a minimum, all mentees and residents become proficient in the following nursing care responsibilities:
- Head-to-toe physical assessments
- Tracheostomy care
- Managing mechanical ventilation, including pressure and volume ventilation, intensive pulmonary treatments, and cough assist devices
- Administering fluids and medications through various lines and tubes
- Nutrition and hydration management
- Medication administration, both scheduled and as needed
- Effective communication with patients, family, and healthcare professionals
We currently have open positions! Come visit us at a job fair or reach out to us at hr@nursingevolutions.com!